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Advanced Intensive Diploma


DURATION 12 Months
(We provide both weekdays and weekend batches)

  • Regular classes (four days a week)
  • Weekend classes (three hours on each day)

Course Fee: Call us on 8178342364 for fees discussion

Good For: (This is good for everyone who does not know anything of Spanish Language, Especially it serves best to the 10+2 students who can do it while pursuing their graduation and after completing it they can get highly paid jobs in many sectors, Graduate people can also do it easily and make their career.)

Exam Pattern: 1st Exam(Grammar:100 Marks), 2nd Exam( Written Expression:100 Marks), 3rd Exam (Oral:100 Marks)+ 4th Exam (Listening : 100 Marks) + 50 Marks of Class performance.

General Objectives
  • Understand and use expressions that are very common in everyday situations, as well as simple phrases intended to meet immediate needs.
  • Introduce yourself and others, ask for and give basic information about your home, your belongings and the people you know.
  • Basically relate to your interlocutor as long as they cooperate and express themselves slowly and clearly.
  • Use Spanish to carry out simple and daily tasks that do not require more than simple and direct exchanges of information on issues that are known and usual.
Functional Content
  • Greet and say goodbye.
  • Introduce someone and react when presented. (Meet people).
  • Give thanks.
  • Point out that it is not understood.
  • Ask someone to speak slower or louder.
  • Request the repetition of what has been said.
  • Spell and request that it be spelled.
  • Request that something be written.
  • Identify people, places and objects.
  • Describe people, places and objects.
  • Refer to usual actions or the present.
  • Refer to plans and projects.
  • Express agreement and disagreement.
  • Express knowledge or ignorance.
  • Express and ask if it is possible or not to do something.
  • Express and ask for taste and pleasure.
  • Express and ask for desire and need.
  • Invite and offer something.
  • Accept or reject invitations and offers.
  • Start and end the speech.
Cultural Content
  • Ways of greeting and presentation.
  • The use of the language in diverse social situations in the Hispanic world.
  • Presentation of some famous person from the Hispanic world.
  • Presentation of some cities Madrid and Barcelona.
Grammatical Content
  • Frases básicas (saludos, despedidas).
  • Comandos Importantes para la clase.
  • Preguntas básicas (qué, cómo, cuál, todas las preguntas).
  • Frases de sobrevivencia, invitaciones, peticiones, etc.
  • Abecedario. Conceptos básicos de pronunciación y entonación.
  • El sustantivo. El adjetivo. La concordancia. Artículos.
  • Días de la semana, meses y estaciones del año.
  • Los números.
  • Pronombres.
  • Usos elementales de SER.
  • Usos elementales de ESTAR.
  • HAY y ESTAR.
  • Demostrativos.
  • Posesivos.
  • Adverbios de lugar.
  • Preposiciones básicas de lugar.
  • Verbo hacer (depende del estudiante, puede ir antes).
  • Presente regular. Presente Irregular (más frecuentes).
  • Usos de saber y conocer.
  • Algunos verbos modales: poder, querer, tener que.
  • Verbos reflexivos más frecuentes.
  • Verbo GUSTAR.
  • También, tampoco.
  • Condicional básico.
  • Pretérito Indefinido, verbos regulares e irregulares más frecuentes (ser, estar, tener).
When you finish this level you’ll be able to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. You’ll have the tools to introduce yourself and others and to ask and answer questions about personal details such as where do you live, people you know and things you do. You’ll be able to interact in a simple way when the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

General Objectives

  • Interact and communicate in minimally complex conversations.
  • Read short real texts of different types
  • Use the vocabulary of very frequent use intended to satisfy needs of immediate type and expressions or gestures with pragmatic meaning.
  • To interact with natives in daily activities that, apart from asking for information, require a not only basic interaction: doctor, ask for directions, express opinion, ask for help.

Functional Content

  • Compare people, objects, places and situations.
  • Express and ask for opinions about something or someone.
  • Express and ask about the degree of security.
  • Express and ask about the obligation to do something.
  • Ask, grant and deny permission.
  • Express and ask for satisfaction and desire.
  • Express and ask for preferences.
  • Express and ask for needs.
  • Express and ask for physical sensations and pain.
  • Suggest activities and react to suggestions.
  • React to a story with expressions of surprise, interest, joy.
  • To congratulate.
  • Address someone.
  • Relate elements and parts of the speech.
  • Verify that the above has been understood.
  • Ask for a word or expression that is unknown or forgotten.
  • Express and ask for taste and pleasure.
  • Express and ask for desire and need.
  • Invite and offer something. Accept or reject invitations and offers.

Cultural Content

  • Social codes: invite, offer, reject.
  • Social behaviours when giving and receiving gifts in Hispanic countries.
  • The after-dinner in the Hispanic countries. The importance of meals in family and social relationships.

Grammatical Content

  • Revisión general de los contenidos de A1.
  • Ampliación de los usos de SER y ESTAR.
  • Ampliación de los irregulares del programa A1.
  • Ampliación de los verbos modales.
  • Otros verbos tipo “GUSTAR”: doler, molestar, parecer.
  • Pretérito Imperfecto (regulares e irregulares)
  • Alternancia general entre Pretérito Indefinido e Imperfecto.
  • Futuro de Indicativo.
  • La 1a. condicional: Si + Presente + Futuro.
  • Algunos verbos modales: poder, deber, tener que.
  • ESTAR + Gerundio.
  • Objeto Directo e indirecto. Colocación del pronombre.
  • Imperativo regular Tú y Usted. Social behaviours when giving and receiving gifts in Hispanic countries.
  • The after-dinner in the Hispanic countries. The importance of meals in family and social relationships.

Students that finish this level can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). They can also communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. They will be able to describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

General Objectives

  • Express oneself reasonably fluently about past, present and future events, as well as a variety of topics that are of interest to them.
  • Answer, ask, summarize, communicate and offer your opinion with certainty on topics of interest or every day, even if you ask them to repeat it a few times.
  • Understand, in general terms, simple and brief speeches.
  • Find and understand information to achieve a goal such as guiding oneself in the city, renting a car, instructions for cooking a dish, etc.
  • Express emotions and respond to feelings such as surprise, happiness, interest, indifference.

Functional Content

  • Refer to actions or situations from the past.
  • Express intentions, conditions and objectives.
  • Ask others to do something.
  • Offer and ask for help. Accept it and reject it.
  • Express agreement or total or partial disagreement.
  • Express and ask if you know something or know something or someone.
  • Formulate hypothesis.
  • Apologize for something you have done and react to an apology.
  • Ask about someone’s mood or health.
  • Introduce a topic or opinion.
  • Put examples. Organize elements and parts of the speech.
  • End an intervention or general conversation.
  • Show that someone’s conversation is followed.
  • Indicate the desire to continue, or keep communication active.
  • Repeat what one has said.

Cultural Content

  • Holidays in Spain.
  • The typical Spanish music.
  • The tradition of the Birth.
  • Tips in Spain.

Grammatical Content

  • Repaso de los contenidos anteriores.
  • Ampliación de objeto directo e indirecto.
  • Colocación de los pronombres.
  • Pretérito Imperfecto.
  • Alternancia Indefinida e Imperfecta.
  • Usos generales de POR y PARA.
  • Adjetivos y Pronombres indefinidos.
  • El Pretérito Perfecto.
  • Alternancia entre Indefinido y Perfecto.
  • El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto.
  • Introducción a los relativos.
  • Imperativos afirmativos y negativos regulares.

When you get to finish this level you can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. As well you can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling in an area where the language is spoken. Furthermore, you can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. And finally, you can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

General Objectives

  • Understand, react and give their opinion on a wide range of issues related to their specialty, expanding and defending their ideas with complementary and relevant aspects.
  • Make a review about various topics of interest, be it a film, a book, a play, etc.
  • Ask, answer and argue, often showing remarkable fluency and ease of expression.
  • Write, synthesize and evaluate information from various sources to reason against or in favour of a specific point of view.
  • Understand any type of speech: personally or in broadcast speeches, although it may present difficulty with the inadequate structuring of speech or the use of idiomatic phrases.

Functional Content

  • Transmit what was said by others.
  • Relate information through causal, final or concessive expressions.
  • Show up for or against an idea or proposal.
  • Justify and argue an opinion.
  • Express judgments and assessments.
  • Express possibility or impossibility.
  • Express surprise, joy, grief or disappointment.
  • Express fear or worry
  • Express gratitude and react to gratitude.
  • Give instructions to others.
  • Prevent and warn.
  • Call attention to something.
  • Formulate good wishes when saying goodbye.
  • Know how to participate in social exchanges with certain formality.
  • Highlight certain aspects of the speech.
  • Write letters according to the usual uses.
  • Correct what you said yourself.
  • Summarize what someone else has said.
  • Express partial agreement, Judge or assess.
  • Express prohibitions.
  • Express disinterest and boredom.
  • Give encouragement and reassure.
  • Recommend and ask for recommendations.
  • Yield the choice to others.
  • Compare people, objects, places and situations.

Cultural Content

  • Superstitious in the Hispanic world.
  • The typical music of Spain.
  • The tourist place in Spain..

Grammatical Content

  • Revisión de todo lo anterior. Ampliación.
  • Estilo indirecto pasado (1ra. Parte).
  • Imperativo negativo irregular. Colocación del pronombre.
  • Presente de subjuntivo.
  • Subjuntivo vs. Indicativo.
  • Verbos que rigen subjuntivo siempre.
  • Verbos que rigen subjuntivo en negativo.
  • Conjunciones: CUANDO, PARA QUE, AUNQUE.
  • Condicional simple.
  • Imperfecto de subjuntivo (si hay tiempo).

To be considered at this level you have to be able to understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in your field of specialization. At this level you can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. With security you can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

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For more information about the course and placement call us or WhatsApp at +91-8178342364, +91-7834806482

Email: fluentfastacademy@gmail.com

Address: B-1070, First Floor, Opp. Eastend Appartment, Metro Pillar No. 158, Near New Ashok Nagar Metro Station.

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